The Millennium Alliance turns 3! Take a look at #millenniumlife

The Millennium Alliance’s 3rd Anniversary

On Friday, Millennium Alliance officially celebrated its third birthday. The celebrations lasted all week! The Millennium employees took part in a week’s worth of fun:

Monday – All Millennium employees dressed up in white and blue.

Tuesday – Can’t have a birthday without a birthday lunch! Taco Tuesday hit the New York office. We also interviewed Russ Klein, CEO, American Marketing Association. 

Wednesday – Wacky hair day! Wear wigs and hats to work.

Thursday – Remember the amazing fashion of the 90’s? The Millennium Alliance paid homage to the best characters of the 90’s with some interesting outfits. We also filmed the first ever episode of Millennium Live.

Friday – The Millennium Alliance Mini-Olympics when both offices competed for bragging rights.

Here is just a selection of some of the highlights from the week and a sneak peek at #millenniumlife.

Last week Millennium Alliance celebrated its 3rd birthday with fancy dress days, taco Tuesday, the first ever episode of Millennium Live, interview with Russ Klein from American Marketing Association and a mini-Olympics day at Chelsea Piers. Here are some of the highlights from the week.