7 Critical Considerations for Evaluating Infrastructure Monitoring Platforms with Galileo

Contributed by Galileo

Let’s get one thing out of the way up front: no single tool will magically solve all your problems or be suitable for every organization. Every situation is different, and every team’s needs are unique (at least somewhat).

Therefore, the key is to know what to look for to figure out what’s best for you.

Inside the Buyers’ Guide:

  1. A Unified, Relational View
  2. Perspective Scalability
  3. The Hybrid IT Question
  4. Open Integration
  5. Data, Insights, and Reactive vs. Proactive
  6. Discovery Automation
  7. Customization & Manageability

While no one can tell you which tool is best (especially vendors!), this eBook can help you figure it out for yourself. Ready?

Read Galileo’s Full Guide here.

About Galileo

Galileo is more than a monitoring tool. With Galileo, IT teams can increase uptime, pinpoint usage trends, forecast demands, right-size environments and accurately plan for the future.

The reliability of your infrastructure takes on a new level of importance with today’s data-intensive workloads. Through Galileo, organizations can streamline support and develop realistic roadmaps for growth and transformation through data visualization, trending and tagging capabilities. Intuitive multi-vendor monitoring for servers, storage, systems, database, SAN, networking and cloud allows users to anticipate and adapt to usage needs and avoid bottlenecks.

To learn more about Galileo, visit galileosuite.com.